Happily married doctors wife, ex-husband~ gayldsdentist, blogging is cheaper than therapy

Sunday, January 21, 2007

coollink for keeping time/learning @ links/features -w blogger

dr. h and i are into time pieces and are collectors of various watches, etc. that my bro in law sent us. he is really cool and fun. he and my sister live in ny and its their son whos the ny stock broker for chase manhattan who's married to the biophysicist beautiful asian girl. she is really nice and a great mom! my nephew was working at morgan stanley chase when 9/11 hit... a miracle and tender mercy of the Lord, his life was spared only because he was on vacation with my sis/bro in law and was not there at the time. unfortunately all of his dear friends were killed.
i am fascinated by time and its reckoning. i love 80's tv programming with shows like 'quantum leap'... quantum physics rocks! or reverberates according to string theory...i'll talk about string theory and dr. greene another day...
for now, i am having a great sunday and enjoying my time alone with dr. h. we don't have cable or tv, just a really cool big screen/sound system and about a million dollars worth of box sets and movies... i want to learn how to use link features more proficiently and will try to provide my lists of tv show boxsets, excellent movies and lds church movies.... the latter is personal to me as i was an actor in "true and living God"(restoration series/visitors' center movie) and "joy of the world". if you do watch either, lets see if you can figure out what "character" i of the world came with your ensign several years ago... for free! needless to say, i made no residuals on that one!

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